Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Save Hummer Rally on April 11

Save Hummer Rally on April 11

Save Hummer Rally on April 11

Not so fast, Captain Planet. Hummer may be on its last leg at the moment, but fans of the brand aren't going to let their favorite earth-roaming SUVs go down without a fight. Capital & Labor International Coalition, a newly-minted organization, thinks it has all the answers to the brand's woes, and has scheduled a summit to help save Hummer here in the states on April 11.

This assemblage could be more than just a few fans with posters. CLIC has invited everyone from shareholders to Hummer's CEO and United Auto Workers leaders. Thane Ritchie, chairman of the organization, said CLIC has taken a good hard look at the General Motors/Hummer issue and there may be another option out there other than just turning off the lights for good.

Members of the group have even invited Senator Rolland Burris (D-Illinois) to help out as well. Burris will be acting as a liaison between the coalition and the federal government, especially when it comes to getting any aid for the brand. In the meantime, the Save Hummer in America rally will be held next week in Chicago. Hey, it worked for Saab, right?


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